Local Deployment
You can skip the automated CI/CD anytime and update your application locally by following the instructions provided below.
Server and Job Applications
How you tag is important. Your image tag must begin with the environment name. For example, if you are pushing a new image to the dev
environment, your image tag must begin with dev
DragonOps uses ArgoCD image updater to listen for new images being pushed to your ECR Repository (also created by DragonOps). This means anytime you push an image to your ECR repo with a tag prefixed with dev
, your image will be deployed to your dev
environment. The same is true for all environment names – if you push an image with a tag prefixed with stage
, your image will be deployed to your stage
environment, etc.
Using this information you can integrate your own CI/CD pipeline with DragonOps! If you are not yet using CI/CD for your application, you can manually update your application code from your local machine as well. Below, we’ve included an example of what this might look like.
- You must have the AWS CLI installed and configured with the correct credentials.
- You must have a Dockerfile for your application.
- Docker must be installed and running.
Let’s say you have an application, my-app
, and are ready to build and push a new image. First, you’ll need to login to your ECR repository. Then you will build, tag, and push your image. From there, your new application code will be re-deployed to each environment you tag it with.
aws ecr get-login-password --region us-east-1 | docker login --username AWS --password-stdin <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com
docker build -t my-app .
docker tag my-app:latest <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/my-app:dev-1.0.0
docker push <AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>.dkr.ecr.<AWS_REGION>.amazonaws.com/my-app:dev-1.0.0
Note: If this example we use the version
for the image tag version. You can use any versioning scheme you like, as long as it is prefixed with the environment you want to deploy to.
Repeat steps 3 and 4 for any other environment you want to deploy to. For example, if you want to deploy to the stage
environment, you would tag your image with stage-1.0.0
and push it to your ECR repository with the same tag.
Static Applications
You will need your Cloudfront distribution ID to perform the following steps. You can find this with the dragonops endpoint list
DragonOps hosts your static sites in an S3 Bucket with a Cloudfront distribution in front of it.
Using this information you can integrate your own CI/CD pipeline with DragonOps! If you are not yet using CI/CD for your application, you can manually update your application code from your local machine as well. Below, we’ve included an example of what this might look like.
- You must have the AWS CLI installed and configured with the correct credentials.
- You must have your Cloudfront Distribution ID (see note above).
- Be able to build/compile your static files.
Let’s say you have an application, my-app
, and are ready push an update. Updating your application code takes three steps: compiling your static files, syncing them to your S3 bucket, and invalidating your Cloudfront distribution.
- First, you need to build your application (or compile your static files). This looks different depending on the tool you use.
- For Hugo, you use the
command, and your files are output in the./public
directory. - For Jekyll, you use the
jekyll build
command, and your files are output in the./_site
directory. - Refer to the documentation for your specific tool.
- For Hugo, you use the
- Sync your files to your S3 bucket by running the command below:
aws s3 sync ./public s3://<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-my-app-<GROUP>-<ENVIRONMENT> --delete
- Replace
with the appropriate values, ie s3://111111111111-my-app-preprod-dev
- Invalidate your cloudfront distribution with the command below:
aws cloudfront create-invalidation --distribution-id <CLOUDFRONT_DISTRO_ID> --paths "*"
Repeat steps 2 and 3 for any other environment you want to deploy to. For example, if you want to deploy to the stage
environment in the preprod
group, you would sync to the bucket s3://<AWS_ACCOUNT_ID>-my-app-preprod-stage
. Make sure you also update your Cloudfront distribution id in the next command as well (you can use dragonops endpoint list
to find the correct distribution id).