
In order to run DragonOps successfully, you will need an AWS Account and a user with admin permissions.

Table of contents

  1. Create an AWS Account and Admin user
    1. Create an admin group
    2. Create an admin user

Create an AWS Account and Admin user

If you already have an account you can skip ahead to installing the aws cli or configuring your aws credentials.

  1. Navigate to this page and click Create a new AWS account.
  2. Follow the instructions to complete your account set up.

For more detailed instructions, you can follow AWS’ Account Creation Guide.

Create an admin group

Before creating an admin user, you should create an admin user group.

  1. Sign in to your AWS account here.
  2. Click Services in the top left corner of the home screen. Type in IAM in the search and click the first result in the dropdown.
  3. On the left-hand side navigation bar, click Groups.
  4. Click the blue Create New Group button at the top of the table.
  5. Specify a group name: AdminUsers, then click the blue Next Step button on the bottom right.
  6. Check the AdministratorAccess policy, then click the blue Next Step button.
  7. Click Create Group on the bottom right.

Create an admin user

Now you need to add an admin user to the group you just created.

  1. On the left-hand side navigation bar, click Users.
  2. Click the blue Add User button at the top of the table.
  3. Create a unique username that you will remember (yourNameAdmin, or something similar).
  4. Check the AdminUsers group you created in the previous step, then click the blue Next: tags button on the bottom right.
  5. You do not need to enter any tags, you can click Next: Review.
  6. Click Create User.
  7. In your user summary, click the Security credentials tab.
  8. Where is says Console password, click Manage, then Enable. You can create your own password or have AWS generate a secure one for you. Either way, save your password so you can easily sign in later on.
  9. Open a new tab and paste in the Console sign-in link shown to you. Bookmark this page for later use. When we tell you to sign-in to your AWS account, this is the link you need to use.