App Commands

Commands used to interact with apps you provision in DragonOps.

app add

The app add command is used to create an app config file with DragonOps’ default configuration. You should store the file in your version control for any future infrastructure updates.

Use (minimal):

dragonops app add

Use (full):

dragonops app add --app-name <app-name> --port <port> -f <file-path> --envs <group_label>.<env_label>,<group2_label>.<env2_label> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --confirm 


All flags for the app add command are optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.
name The name for your application (default: repo name).
port A custom port your application runs on (default: 8080).
type The application type to deploy. Current options are: server or static.
skip-ci Whether to skip generating the default DragonOps CI/CD file(s). Default is false
envs Comma-separated list of environments. The environment should include the Group ResourceLabel and Environment ResourceLabel, separated by a . (ie: preprod_group.dev_environment). The environments included must already exist.
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.

Resources Provisioned


app apply

The app apply command is used to when you have a DragonOps config file already. This command will read in the config, update the app’s metadata and apply any changes necessary.

Use (minimal):

dragonops app apply

Use (full):

dragonops app apply -f <file-path> --envs <group_label>.<env_label>,<group2_label>.<env2_label> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --confirm 


All flags for the app apply command optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description
config-file (-f, short) The path to your DragonOps config file.
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.
type The application type to deploy. Current options are: server or static.
skip-ci Whether to skip generating the default DragonOps CI/CD file(s). Default is false
envs Comma-separated list of environments. The environment should include the Group ResourceLabel and Environment ResourceLabel, separated by a . (ie: preprod_group.dev_environment). The environments included must already exist.
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.

Resources Provisioned

The app apply command will create/update the resources defined below to whichever environment(s) you specified in your command:

Apps with type server/job

  • ECR Repository
  • Helm resources
  • DNS resources
  • Load balancing resources
  • DNS resources (server only)
  • Secret (for environment variable management)

Apps with type static

  • S3 Bucket
  • Cloudfront Distribution
  • DNS resources

app list

The app list command is used to list all metadata for the apps associated with your DragonOps organization.

Use (minimal):

dragonops app list

Use (full):

dragonops app list --where <key=value> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --confirm 


All flags for the app list command are optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description  
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.  
where Any filter to apply to the app list search. The with the key and value should be separated by an =. Example: --where Port=3000.  
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.  

Resources Provisioned


app describe

The app describe command is used to describe the app’s metadata in detail.

Use (minimal):

dragonops app describe

Use (full):

dragonops app describe <app-name> --confirm 


All flags for the app describe command are optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

A positional argument of app-name is also accepted.

flag description
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.

Resources Provisioned


app status

The app status command is used to display the status of the app. The output is per environment the application is deployed to.

Each environment will have a status of one of:


Use (minimal):

dragonops app status

Use (full):

dragonops app status <app-name> --do-api-key <do-api-key> 


All flags for the app status command are optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

A positional argument of app-name is also accepted.

flag description
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.

Resources Provisioned


app environment destroy

The app environment destroy command is used to when you have a DragonOps config file and you want to remove your application from specific environment(s). This command will read in the config, validate the environments you want to remove your app from are valid, update the app’s metadata, and destroy all infrastructure for the app in the environment(s) you requested.

Use (minimal):

dragonops app environment destroy

Use (full):

dragonops app environment destroy -f <file-path> --envs <group_label>.<env_label>,<group2_label>.<env2_label> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --confirm 


All flags for the app environment destroy command optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description
config-file (-f, short) The path to your DragonOps config file.
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.
envs Comma-separated list of environments. The environment should include the Group ResourceLabel and Environment ResourceLabel, separated by a . (ie: preprod_group.dev_environment). The environments included must already exist.
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.

Resources Provisioned


app remove

The app remove command is used to when you have a DragonOps config file and you want to remove your application from all environment(s), as well as its metadata. This command will read in the config, validate the environments in the config file are valid, and destroy all infrastructure for the application in all environments.

Use (minimal):

dragonops app remove

Use (full):

dragonops app remove -f <file-path> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --confirm


All flags for the app remove command optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description
config-file (-f, short) The path to your DragonOps config file.
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.

Resources Provisioned