Group Commands

Commands used to interact with groups you provision in DragonOps.

group add

The group add command is used to create a group config file with DragonOps’ default configuration. You should commit this file to version control for any future updates to your infrastructure.

Use (minimal):

dragonops group add

Use (full):

dragonops group add --aws-account-id <aws-account-id> --domain <domain> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --name <name> --cidr <cidr> --confirm 


All flags for the group add command are optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description
aws-account-id The AWS account id to bootstrap as the MasterAccount
domain The custom route53 domain to use for your infrastructure.
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.
name The name for your group infrastructure resources (ie preprod).
cidr A custom cidr for your initial network (DragonOps generates one by default if not provided).
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.

Resources Provisioned


group apply

The group apply command is used to when you have a DragonOps config file already. This command will read in the config, update the group’s metadata and apply any changes necessary.

Use (minimal):

dragonops group apply

Use (full):

dragonops group apply -f <file-path> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --confirm 


All flags for the group apply command optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description
config-file (-f, short) The path to your DragonOps config file.
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.

Resources Provisioned

Anything in your config file, such as:

  • Networking resources (VPC, Subnets, Route Tables, etc)
  • Cluster (EKS/ECS) and all periphery resources
  • RDS (databases)

group list

The group list command is used to list all metadata for the groups associated with your DragonOps organization.

Use (minimal):

dragonops group list

Use (full):

dragonops group list --where <key=value> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --confirm 


All flags for the group list command are optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description  
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.  
where Any filter to apply to the group list search. The with the key and value should be separated by an =. Example: --where Account.AwsAccountId=1234567891012.  
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.  

Resources Provisioned


group describe

The group describe command is used to describe the group’s metadata in detail.

Use (minimal):

dragonops group describe

Use (full):

dragonops group describe <group-name> --confirm 


All flags for the group describe command are optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

A positional argument of group-name is also accepted.

flag description
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.

Resources Provisioned


group status

The group status command is used to display the status of the group.

The status will be one of:


Use (minimal):

dragonops group status

Use (full):

dragonops group status <group-name> --do-api-key <do-api-key> 


All flags for the group status command are optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

A positional argument of group-name is also accepted.

flag description
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.

Resources Provisioned


group destroy

The group destroy command is used to when you have a DragonOps config file and you want to destroy all resources associated with your group. This command will read in the config, check for any dependent resources (either in other groups or for applications deployed to any of it’s environments), update the group’s metadata and destroy all infrastructure for the group.

Use (minimal):

dragonops group destroy

Use (full):

dragonops group destroy -f <file-path> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --confirm 


All flags for the group destroy command optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description
config-file (-f, short) The path to your DragonOps config file.
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.

Resources Provisioned