The init command

The first command you’ll need.


The init command is used to bootstrap your AWS Management account to allow DragonOps to manage your infrastructure and make deploying new environments and applications easy.

Use (minimal):

dragonops init

Use (full):

dragonops init --aws-account-id <aws-account-id> --region <region> --do-api-key <do-api-key> --git-provider <git-provider> --git-org <git-org> --confirm


All flags for the init command are optional – you will be prompted for anything you do not provide.

flag description
aws-account-id The AWS account id to bootstrap as the MasterAccount
region The AWS region to host account-level infrastructure in the MasterAccount.
do-api-key The DragonOps API key associated with a valid user.
git-provider The git provider you use (one of github or gitlab).
git-org Your git provider organization.
confirm A boolean, passed as --confirm. Used to skip any prompts that already have defaults and confirm actions without user input.

Resources Provisioned

The init command will deploy a CloudFormation stack that will create the following resources in your AWS Account:

  • Networking resources (VPC, Subnets, Route Tables, etc)
  • S3 State Bucket
  • IAM Resources with least-privilege access
  • OIDC resources
  • Lambda function, SNS topic, and SQS for internal, cross-account access
  • Lambda function, SNS topic, and SQS for DragonOps infrastructure orchestration
  • ECS Fargate cluster and task definition for the DragonOps orchestrator (open source repo for visibility)